CMS Price Transparency

License 000159

Download CMH Charge Master

Click above to download a CSV file of Cochran Memorial Hospital's chargemaster. This file is compatiable with Microsoft Excel or similar software.

Shoppable Services

Click above to open a csv file of CMS shoppable services. This file is compatiable with Microsoft or similar software.

Click here to view Shoppable Services as a pdf file.


The standard charges listed here are a best estimate, they are not a guarantee of what you will be charged. Charges vary patient to patient based on your unique condition and needs as determined by your provider as well as factors including, but not limited to, length of time, specific equipment and medications. If you have insurance, your benefits ultimately determine the amount you owe.


Please contact the Cochran Memorial Hospital business office with any questions you may have regarding your bill, the chargemaster or shoppable services.

CMH Business Office (806) 266-5566
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed all major holidays